Why there are more Iron Bars in the windows near the door of the Train

Indian Railways is Asia’s second largest railway network and the fourth largest in the world. About 10 crore people travel by train daily in India. If you have ever traveled by train, then you must have seen that the window near the door in the train coach is different from all the others windows of the train. Except the AC coach of the train, all the sleeper and general coaches have Iron bars in their windows, but the windows near the door of the train has more Iron bars than other windows of the train. Do you know the reason behind it? the is a special reason behind it.

More Iron bars are used for protection against theft

Actually, the fear of theft is highest in the window near the door of the train. Thieves often used to steal valuable things like women purse, jewellery, money by putting their hands in these windows, because these windows can be accessed very easily from the foot of the door.

Due to dense Iron Bars Thieves Hands cannot reach inside the windows

During the night time when all the passengers are sleeping, thieves used to easily steal goods and valuable items through these windows. To get rid of this problem, these windows were fitted with more iron bars than usual. Due to more bars, the gap in the windows has reduced so much that the hands cannot enter these windows. Beside this reason, this was also done so that thieves cannot open the door by putting their hand through the windows while the train is stopped outside at night.

Earlier there used to be normal windows in train

According to railway officials, earlier the windows of the train used to be the same like others. But railways were getting complaints that thieves stand near the door and as soon as the train starts running, they used to put their hands through the window and run away after looting women’s jewelry or valuables. Only after that, the railway made the grill very thick by putting a large number of iron bars on the grill of the window near the door for the security of the pessengers.